About Bishop Spray Service
Bishop Spray Service Moses Lake Division.
Is a full-service Pest Control company serving residential, commercial and Industrial customers in Moses Lake WA. We aim to provide quality weed, insect and pest control services without sacrificing the safety and environment of the Moses Lake community. There is no job too big or too small. Our specialize in but are not limited to General Pest Control, Insect Control, Termite Control, and Interior and Exterior Insect Services. We also specialize in weed control, soil sterilizers and noxious weed control.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide a guaranteed, quality weed, insect and pest control services while maintaining safety for our customers and the environment. Maintain the most experienced and professional staff possible. Be responsive to our customer's needs. As we only serve the people of 98837, we will be community driven: as much as possible, all purchases, advertising and charitable donations will be in Moses Lake.
- Quality Pest Control Guaranteed.
- Quotes and Advise are FREE.
- No Contracts Required.

Let us help answer your questions and help guide you on a course of action.
Spider Control On Homes?
No need to wash house down, we do it for you, Do not wash house down after we spray.
Dormant spray (before bloom):
Applied to trees in early spring prior to swelling and braking of buds, no added care from the customer is necessary.
Home spider control, spider & insect control on trees & shrubs:
Wait until the chemical application is dry, then you can wash the windows, but not the house. Regular rainfall or occasional water from a sprinkler will not prematurely degrade the chemical but hosing down the house will.
Note: if you have just painted your home, talk with a paint professional or your house painter to determine the length of time that particular paint needs to cure before a home spider application can be applied. The average time is approximately one (1) month after house painting.
Broadleaf weed control, crabgrass & clover control (with liquid fertilizer):
Wait 24-hour before watering the lawn and then make sure to water before mowing. Allow the chemical to dry a couple of hours, depending on the weather, before allowing children or pets onto the treated area(s).
What about Bed Bugs
They are here in a BIG way, They can be treated with Heat, Cold or Chemical.
Does the brown recluse live here?
But their close relative the Hobo spider does.
Yes, Moses Lake has them,Our treatments are guaranteed for 3 years form the time of application, Then $50/yr renewal is available. We will inspect the house for any recurrence and treat accordingly, At NO extra cost.
Year-Long, Guaranteed Weed Control
Fall is generally the best time to apply sterilant as the chemicals used need water/snow to bind with the dirt.
Sterilant, is done as early in the year as the weather allows both are guaranteed for the full year.
How long after you spray before I can water my lawn?
Broadleaf weeds need time to take in the chemical. The mode of action is affected by many elements in the weather. Watering too soon can cause the chemical to wash off the weeds and cause poor results. The ideal time is 48 hrs (2 Days) after application. If your lawn is being treated during warm weather, water lawn thoroughly before treatment.
If you still have any questions please call the Bishop Spray Service office at 509-766-2847. Or contact us here.
Trust the Columbia Basin’s most experienced spray service. We’ve been serving the Moses Lake area for more than 42 years.
Licensed technicians experience:
- Norm Lancaster – 26 years
- Paula Radder – 13 years
- Nick Lancaster – 13 years
- Chris Lancaster – 8 years
Most of my children have worked with Bishop Spray Service in some capacity for more than ten years. It brings me great pleasure in having my friends and family work for me and striving to keep Bishop Spray Service at the top. – Norm Lancaster, Owner